E-Stim Systems ElectroPebble Dual Channel Power Box – Jamesey Reviews

When I was younger I remember watching the The Bride of Frankenstein with my grandparents. Not going to lie – scared the life out of me and actually gave me a little fear of thunderstorms and electricity in general. (also gave me a slight fear of torch wielding mobs but I’ve managed to avoid those thus far.)

my face when they asked me if I would review The Pebble

 So when I was asked to trial the new E-Stim control unit The ElectroPebble, I was to say the least somewhat apprehensive! Seriously – before I even said yes I was googling things like “Can you blow yourself up with electroplay”, “Is electroplay safe” and “how do you say no to electroplay without losing your job?”. It was during a 7th cup of coffee caffeine buzz that it occurred to me that if I was unsure about electroplay from a personal perspective and I’ve got a pretty good knowledge about the industry then the idea of electro play might seem like some form of torture to the less informed. Before I changed my mind I sent the email and said that I’d try it out. I figured that worst case scenario – I’m playing with electricity and it worked out pretty well for the Flash.

Totally the look I planned to go for with my new superpowers

Before I talk about my experience with The ElectroPebble, I thought it might be a good idea to go through some of the more common do’s and don’t about Electrosex.

The Do’s   

  1. Use the correct Lube! This means using a waterbased lubricant for any INSERTABLE toys. Use an electro-conductive gel for the toys that are for contact play (pin wheels etc) as the conductive gel helps to increase the sensation. Silicone lube doesn’t work as well as it’s actually an insulating material. (Thanks GCSE Physics!!)
  2. Only apply electro-pads or insert electro-toys with the power OFF.
  3. When you start playing – gradually increase the power. Don’t start on a HIGH setting. (or you’ll end up looking like the bride of frank!)
  4. If you are playing with a partner, ensure they are 100% happy with what you are planning to use/play with. Consent is never optional.
  5. If you are playing in a role play setting ensure that your safe word has been discussed.
  6. Make sure your toys are clean. This means clean your toys after EVERY session. Use an antibacterial cleaner and before using the toys ensure that they are completely dry.
  7. Have fun! This is the most important part – enjoy the butterflies your feeling. You only get to experience something for the first time once so make sure you have as positive an experience as possible.

The Don’ts!

  1. Don’t use electrosex toys if you have any heart conditions or problems.
  2. Don’t use electrosex toys if you’re pregnant or have epilepsy.
  3. Don’t use electrosex toys or form a connection above waist level . A wise man once told me that electricity is lazy and will find the quickest way between two points – you do not want the electricity to go through the heart.
  4. Don’t insert or apply electrosex pads or toys with the unit turned on. It will hurt!
  5. Don’t use electrosex equipment in or near water. This should be pretty much common sense but it never hurts to reminded.
  6. Don’t use electrosex equipment on broken or inflamed skin.
  7. Don’t use electrosex kits when you feel fatigued, dehydrated or unwell. You won’t enjoy the experience.
  8. Do not get pressured into using the kit or going to a power level you are not happy with. Listen to your body and if you master/dom/partner is pressuring you into going higher than you are happy with – end the session.

So with that fairly large list of do’s and don’ts covered it’s time for me to actually write the review and let you know what I thought about the whole thing! I’ll break it into two parts – the control pack and then the toy.

Jamesey and The ElectroPebble

The ElectroPebble comes in a pretty kick ass carry case. It’s got a nice foam insert where everything sits and the plastic carry case means that it’s really easy to store. As you may have guessed, I have no experience with anything electro so naturally I made sure I read the instruction booklet from cover to cover. The info booklet is really good which is always a bonus and as the pack comes with a battery included there was no need for me to wait for anything to charge. The Hubby was quite excited about trying it as well (although I did have to tell him to take the pads off his head and remind him that he was not a borg. This is what happens when you marry a geek.)

The contents of The ElectroPebble

The unit is a really nice piece of kit and looks really sleek and with everything laid out for you in a pretty easy to figure out way. You have your knobs to increase/decrease the power and two arrows to help cycle through the settings. The ElectroPebble has a whopping 9 different modes and each one is unique in its own way and they’ve got pretty straightforward names – Pulse, Flo, Split, Bounce, Audio, Milk, Squeeze, Tease and finally Torment. Due to the size of The ElectroPebble it fits really nicely in the palm of your hand and has a really easy to use design if you are playing solo. Plus it has flashing lights which let you know which of the nine settings you’re using.  The ElectroPebble has two channels so you can use two electrodes at the same time (one each if you’re playing with a partner!)


The pack I got to review came with the pebble unit and 4 pads to use. The pads are pretty handy as they are adhesive and you stick them to the body. I put mine by the crotch and so did The Hubby.  We turned the pack on slowly and started to play.  Personally I quite enjoyed the sensation, but after fifteen minutes it became apparent that The Hubby wasn’t enjoying things as much so we stopped and he confessed that it just wasn’t for him. I admitted that I had enjoyed it and it was something that I would like to try again so I used the pads as a solo experience.

e-stim_systems_square_electrode_pads_4_packNow, I’m going to be 100% honest here – the pads were OK. I enjoyed them, but I think because I’d been so concerned about electroplay that I was quite tense, I was a little worried about the other half and whilst I enjoyed the sensations, I knew myself well enough to know that it was going to end up being an occasional toy and not an AMAZING toy. (Which considering the amount of adult orientated clips I had seen on the internet, left me a little deflated as some of those clips are pretty intense!)

Bare in mind, that this is just my opinion of the pads, I am by no means an expert and since my initial play with the pads (100% solo this time) I have come to enjoy the sensations. I do stand by my original view that the pads are pretty fun for foreplay but I wouldn’t want an extended session with them.

 Fast forward three days – I came home and the hubby had a pretty mischievous look in his eye. He said that he had been thinking of the E-stim for the last few days and had decided that he wanted to see what more it could actually do and with that he presented me with The Flo. But before I go into that – lets summarize about The ElectroPebble.

The Pebble Dual Channel Power Box

– Dual Channel Independent Output
– Sleek Design
– Dial Controls
– 9 Program Modes
– LED Display
– Storage Case
– Lifetime Guarantee for Power Unit
– Made in The Uk!

– E-Stim ElectroPebble Power Box
– 2x 3.5mm to 2mm output cables
– 9v Battery
– Pack of 4 Self-adhesive electrode pads
-Carry Case
– Use Guide

Jamesey and The Flo

I’m just going to throw a huge review spoiler in here – The Flo has completely and utterly changed my entire view on the ElectroPebble and Electro Play.

The Flo is part of The Red Collection which is a range of the E-stim toys which as you can see from the above images all share the colour red! It’s not the biggest of toys measuring at 3.93 inches in length with 3.54 inches of that being insert able.  It’s got a completely smooth and really sleek design with the contacts on the top and bottom of the toy for a more natural feel when it’s being used.  What The Hubby didn’t know was that this toy is primarily designed for vaginal play but as someone who’s used it anally – I can happily report that it works just fine!!

The Flo

Before playing, I made sure and explain that I had to use a water based lube to the other half and then we were off.  I wasn’t as apprehensive this time as I had a rough idea of what to expect.  I started on Pulse and made sure that we started at a low power setting.  At this point I’ll save you the gritty details but let me say – having an insertable toy has completely changed my view on electroplay. IT WAS AMAZING!!  The toy was a great size and the simulation I got off having an actual toy was, well it’s actually pretty much indescribable but if I were to try it would probably look like this – woihfswoi rqw;oklhjnfsoi!!!

I went through all the settings and each one has its own very amazing merits but my personal favourites would have to be Audio and Milk. The Audio setting works on the noise in the room so the louder you are or if you place it by a speaker (mobile works fine) it will increase the power in relation to the noise and Milk. Again indescribable but O.M.G!  My overall feelings on The Flo as a toy were unbelievably positive. It has totally changed my opinion on using The ElectroPebble and since my first use I’ve actually used the toy about 3 more times. (anything that gets more than once use from the toy drawer definitely means business!).



I am now 100% a convert to ElectroPlay. I understand that to a lot of people it might be scary or the price could be off putting, but I would strongly urge people to put aside their fears. Save your pennies and treat yourself to an ElectroPebble.  The initial kit isn’t cheap, but as I’ve come to understand this year – sometimes you really get what you pay for and E-Stim certainly delivers on this. The ElectroPebble is a toy that not only would I suggest to anyone looking to try out electroplay, I have already picked out 3 other toys that I want to buy after Xmas so it’s a toy that will never get boring as there are a lot of other toys available to buy to plug into the box!  I actually feel a little embarrassed about how negative my reaction to the idea of electrosex was before I’d even tried it and now that I have, I would honestly say to anyone curious about it –  follow the great sage of our time Shia LaBeouf’s advice and – JUST DO IT!!!

with love 2016

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